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Bonjour pouvez-vous m’aider svp ! Merci d’avance !

Bonjour Pouvezvous Maider Svp Merci Davance class=

Sagot :




1. I don’t love either of them

2. Make up your mind, either you go or you stay.

3. I was both happy and unhappy to leave.

4. Their two children are different and yet they were both raised in the same way.

5. "Which one do you want? - Hard to say. I love both"

6. They’re both out of town.

7. Do we have to return the two exercises tomorrow?

8. I asked two people for directions. Neither of them could help me.

9. He doesn’t want to eat or drink.

10. I can’t be in both places at once.

Réponse :


tu trouvera ci-dessous les phrases traduites :

1- I don't like either.

2- Make up your own mind: where you go or you stay.

3- I was both happy and unhappy to leave.

4- their two children are different and yet they were both brought up the same way.

5- " Which one do you want ? hard to say, I like both. "

6- they are both absent.

7- do we have to return the two exercises tomorrow ?

8- I asked two people for directions. Neither could help me.

9- he doesn't want to eat or drink.

10- i can't be in both places at the same time.

Voilà j'éspère juste été clair dans certaines phrases.

A bientôt et bon courage pour tous :)