Bonsoir, j'aurai besoin d'aide en anglais ! Ce que j'ai mis ci-joint est en rapport avec le texte. Read and analyse a literary text.
Karen had changed in the two years since her father's death. From a hormonal, but almost 5 painfully conventional teenager to a hormonal, rebellious little she-devil. A change of which she had been the conscious architect. Short hair, shaved at the sides and dyed green in a lick across the top, but still black at the back. The nose and eyebrow studs, the rings in her lip that they made her take out for school. The pictures of One Direction on the wall had been torn down to be replaced by Marilyn Manson posters she had found in the goth shop. The first tattoo had caused a monumental row with aftershocks that went on for days. But there was nothing her mother could do about it. Fait accompli. Tattoos were for life, and this one had been such a small thing. A delicate little butterfly just above her left ankle. The others that had followed had reduced it to insignificance. A winged skull on her chest, just below the neck. An elaborate and colourful snake that coiled its way around her left arm, from shoulder to wrist. An eagle with wings spread across her back and shoulders. And a couple she hadn't even told her mother about. Dressed discreetly, it was possible for all of them to be hidden. But pointing that out had done nothing to allay her mother's fury with each addition. And after every grounding she had simply gone and got another. They couldn't lock her up in her room for ever. Peter May, Coffin Road, 2016.