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Salut je doit compléter ce texte en anglais, je n’y arrive pas, pouvez-vous m’aider s’il vous plaît, merci d’avance .

Read the text and fill in the blanks using the information below :
the saddest / Ground Zero / pay tribute to September 11th 2001/ hijacked/thousands / commemorate /
the Twin Towers / collapsed / in the morning / North Tower / South Tower

A day the world will never forget
is a date the world will never forget. This is probably
…………………………………. day in the history of New York and the USA.
On that day, …………………………………. ,two …………………………………. planes crashed into the
World Trade Center and destroyed ………………………………….
known across the whole world as the
emblem of the city and a symbol of occidental lifestyle.
At 8.46 a.m. American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the ………………………………….
of the World Trade Center,
…………………………………. killing all the passengers and crew members aboard. At 9.03 a.m. United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the ………………………………….
between the 75th and 85th floors.
After burning for 56 minutes, the South Tower finally ………………………………….
in 10 seconds at 9.59 a.m. Then
at 10.28 a.m. the North Tower also collapsed after burning for 102 minutes.
As a consequence, ………………………………….
of people (civilians, workers, policemen, firefighters) were killed
that day because of these terrorist attacks.
and a memorial
The destroyed World Trade Center site became known as ………………………………….ans à memorial was built there to ………………………………….
and the victims.

Sagot :


Réponse :

September 11th 2001,

A day the world will never forget

is a date the world will never forget. This is probably

the saddest day in the history of New York and the USA.

On that day, in the morning ,two hijacked planes crashed into the

World Trade Center and destroyed the Twin Towers

known across the whole world as the

emblem of the city and a symbol of occidental lifestyle.

At 8.46 a.m. American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower

of the World Trade Center,

………………?…………………. killing all the passengers and crew members aboard.

At 9.03 a.m. United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower between the 75th and 85th floors. After burning for 56 minutes, the South Tower finally collapsed in 10 seconds at 9.59 a.m. Then at 10.28 a.m. the North Tower also collapsed after burning for 102 minutes.

As a consequence, thousands of people (civilians, workers, policemen, firefighters) were killed that day because of these terrorist attacks.

The destroyed World Trade Center site became known as Ground Zero and a memorial was built there to comemorate and pay tribute to the victims.

Explications :

Quelques endroits dans le textes ne sont pas très logiques, mais j'ai fait de mon mieux. Si tu vois que ça va dis le moi ! :)

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