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--Nowadays, fast food is becoming more and more popular. Write a short article for your school magazine explaining why many people prefer to eat fast food. Give your opinion about this eating habit. ​

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Recently, fast food has become an addiction for most people for several different reasons, the most important of which is the different taste that they find in the meal. When a person eats potatoes or pizza at home, it is normal for him, but when he eats it from fast food restaurants, the matter becomes completely different. Likewise, this is in addition to the freedom to choose food, unlike the house that people usually return to and find the food has been cooked and there is no escape from it, which makes restaurants the perfect solution to break this routine and choose what anyone wants according to his whims. And I also love fast food, especially on a picnic with my friends. Also, when I am busy and do not have the time to cook food, I can buy ready-made , and I can eat it at home and I can eat it outside in a restaurant, for example, but according to me, it is not good to eat it a lot, as there are many disadvantages. Fast food is full of harmful fats. Cholesterol levels increase in the blood, which leads to clogged arteries. Fast food contains large amounts of fats, sugars and proteins. When the buyer eats them, they accumulate in his body, which leads to a massive increase in his weight and size.

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