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bonjour j’aimerai de l’aide svp pour mon exo en anglais.
la consigne:

- à partir du journal de voyage (texte), imaginer et écrire une suite avec pour début : April 1st


Bonjour Jaimerai De Laide Svp Pour Mon Exo En Anglais La Consigne À Partir Du Journal De Voyage Texte Imaginer Et Écrire Une Suite Avec Pour Début April 1st Voi class=

Sagot :


1st April

At 3 a.m., we woke up and everything around us was flying and moving. Tim was crying and I saw in the eyes of my mother that she was scared. Dad told them to stay inside the small cabin and told me to come with him to see what was happening.

As I had thought, a storm had reached our island. The rain and the wind gave us chills. Dad asked me to go and take out as much water as possible that had come into our cabin. As for him, he went to get some big rocks to hold it up because one of the sides was falling over.

When I finished what he had asked me to do, I went to help him but when I found myself outside again, I didn't know where he was, thus, I stayed by the cabin waiting for him.

10 minutes went by and he still hadn't returned. I was afraid and told myself that I should go look for him but another fear came to my head : the one of losing my brother and my mother. So, I stayed close to them until the storm left. This was a horrible night.

J’espère t’avoir aidé ^^

Si tu as des questions à propos de ce devoir, n'hésites pas à me les demander !  

Bonne journée et bonne continuation :)