Réponse :
salut !
du coup voici ta réponse. désolée si c'est long, j'ai essaye de tout decrire au mieux j'espere que ca va t'aider
Explications :
we can see a drawing, drawn either from a poster or from a comic. it shows the world famous sherlock Holmes, with his friend and assistant doctor Watson. they seem to be talking about a serious subject. sherlock Holmes is wearing a tweed beret, with a cape also made of tweed. Under his cape he has a velvet brown jacket with a black tie and a white shirt. Dr. Watson wears a blue cape with a navy blue hat . his jacket is made of tweed , and he has a white shirt underneath. Dr. Watson's face is ovalish (un peu ovale) with a defined brown mustache. he holds a wooden cane. in the background, we can see a misty ( mist= brouillard) London, that we recognize with the Big Ben.
in the second photo, we can clearly it is a poster from a movie involving sherlock Holmes and the Dr. Watson. sherlock Holmes is the man who hasn't brushed his hair and who did not shave himself properly . Dr. Watson is the man with the neat mustache, the clean ourfit and who holds a cane in his hands behind his shoulders.it is hard to say where they are, but we can say that they are on top of a tower, because all we see in the background is a grey sky.
in the third photo , we can see a passage of an adapttion of a sherlock holmes story. we can see that Dr. Watson is seen as a fat man, with a blach hat and rond little glasses. sherlock holmes is seen with a pipe in his mouth. he has a thin face, and defined cheekbones. they are in a car, in the night. Dr.Watson is reading a journal, and Sherlock Holmes is looking strraight ahead .