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bonjour svp vous pouvez m'aider en anglais merci d'avance
Write about a risk that you took.
Describe what happened, what you did, and whether you think it was worth it.
here's an exemple:
Last weekend, while we were going for a walk with my family, we came across a stand that offered skipping. I am still shaking to think about it. I'm not afraid of heights, but falling several meters into the void is something else. After a few minutes of reflection and pushed by my family, I finally did it. At the end of the day, I lost consciousness during the jump and I have no memory of it. Moreover, I had to pay about 40 euros, it was not worth it at all !

Sagot :

One day, my friend came to see me and told me "I want to go and leave everything behind for a whole day". I was afraid at first I did not understand anything she was telling me with her playful air. Then after she told me to prepare my suitcases, my things, my bathing suits and my passport.

I wasn't too keen at first, because she caught me off guard, then she didn't want to warn anyone. But finally I said to myself, "we only have one life so I had to at least try". The next day I came to see her, and she and I are on the way to the airport. I hadn't warned anyone and neither had she. I had followed everything she asked of me. We didn't even turn off our phones, ... No one could reach us, it was total freedom for a day. We had to be in a plane for 7 hours straight, I was so preoccupied and exited at the same time, because i knew that with her only funny stuff could happened.

Then we left for the beach, and stayed in a 5 star hotel, she had prepared the best of the best. She and I had a blast, pretending to be super cool girls, and hit on every cute person in our way. Then the next day we returned to where we came from. And I'm glad I took that risk, because it was so fun. And if I had to do it again I would gladly do it again, because it was amazing.

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