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hey please i would like you all to help me writing a pargraphe about globing warming effects and solutions​

Sagot :


Global warming causes a lot of problems to the world, especially to animals. Most animals that live in the North and South poles (such as penguins, polar bear...) live on glaciers. Those glaciers would melt and the home of those animals would disappear and so would they. But global warming doesn't just affect the North and South poles, it also causes damages to forests or jungles. The trees might burn due to the hot climate, which might cause a fire, burning other animals and their habitat. The climate would also dry the land, leaving no plants for animals such as koalas, bears... We can easily but slowly stop these problems by reducing things that causes a lot of gases that heats our planet (using less transportations...). We can also stop using fossil fuels and use more renewable energy (solar panels...). There is a lot of solutions to stop global warming but we have to act now.

I hope it helps you!

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