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Bonjour je dois rédiger un texte de 15 ligne résumant les activer de mon enfance et un autre texte de 15 ligne sur les activités de la reine Elizabeth étant petite aussi en anglais svp merci

Sagot :

Réponse :

un texte de 15 ligne résumant une horrible situations de mon enfance

I still remember that night like it was yesterday. I was still six years old when my parents left me in my room to go do an errand and come back quickly. But because of the storm, they came home late.

I was lying in my bed reading a tale from A Thousand and One Nights. Suddenly I heard a loud noise that made me jump. I stood up not knowing what to do. My hair stood on end and I had goose bumps. My legs were shaking. My heart was beating very hard. I felt an incredible panic. After a few seconds, I decided to go down the stairs to see the origin of the noise. So I took a broom and walked timidly towards the kitchen. When I approached the door, a cat meowed. I was relieved. The tomcat was looking for food in the buffet and dropped a saucepan. I caught my breath and walked back to my room. After a while my parents arrived and I told them the story. They saluted my courage and gave me chocolate. "You have become a man Ahmed, now I can count on you".

I never manage to forget this memory which remains engraved in my memory

un autre texte de 15 ligne sur les activités de la reine Elizabeth

According to reporters, the Queen of England only has one day off a year at Christmas. She does her representational work every other day of the year, and these differ only in the number of events scheduled for the day. Sometimes, however, she enjoys free days with no scheduled meetings.

At Bright Side, we've tried to piece together a typical Queen's work day, from morning to night.


Usually, the Queen wakes up around 8:30 a.m., and at 9 a.m. sharp, her personal secretary hands her the famous red suitcase containing reports from special services, intelligence and various government offices.

At the same time, under his window, a person is playing melodies on a bagpipe. The post of bagpiper appeared at the turn of the 20th century, during the time of Queen Victoria.

Meanwhile, the queen's husband finishes his breakfast, as she prefers to eat it alone after him.

It’s not easy to know what Elizabeth II’s breakfast consists of. His cooks and servants do not communicate with the press, although some dismissed employees have already given interviews and revealed certain details. For example, a former royal cook said breakfast at Buckingham Palace doesn't differ much from ordinary British citizens:

Corn flakes

Dried fruits

Jam toast

Hard egg

Milk tea

Mid day

The Queen's favorite pastime is horseback riding, which she continues to enjoy despite her age. Her Majesty never wears a bomb, but a simple silk scarf. In addition, she is known to read the Racing Post daily, dedicated to horse breeders.

The Queen loves to drive her car, but she gets behind the wheel of her green Jaguar only on the roads of her estates. Oddly enough, Elizabeth II never wears her seat belt.

In her spare time, the queen also enjoys fishing. She obviously inherited this passion from her father, who was an avid fisherman. She shares this hobby with her husband, Prince Philip, who is however indifferent to horses.

Gardening is also one of the Queen's favorite activities. Elizabeth II grows beets with her own hands, as well as beans and leeks. She is said to be trying to instill in the British a passion for growing organic vegetables and fruit.


Tout dîner est précédé d’un apéritif. Sa Majesté choisit du gin et du Dubonnet, tandis que son époux préfère la bière. Les goûts des membres de la famille sont différents, mais ils sont d’accord sur une chose : aucun d’eux n’aime le champagne. Curieusement, au domaine de Windsor, ils ont commencé à produire leur propre vin mousseux.

Pour le dîner, on leur sert généralement des plats à base de gibier ou de poisson pêché à la ferme. La reine n’apprécie pas tellement les aliments exotiques

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