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Bonsoir j’ai besoin d’aide pour cette exercice…. Mercii

Complete the sentences with in, at, on or ago.

1 The shop only opened a month .......
..........., but it's
going to close next week.
2 My dad's plane left ......... half past six this
morning from Heathrow Airport.
3 We enjoyed the concert........ Wednesday -
all the bands were brilliant.
4 There wasn't much rain .....
5 They arrived in New Zealand.
6 My best friend and I were both born .....

Sagot :



1 The shop only opened a month ...ago....

..........., but it's

going to close next week.

2 My dad's plane left ....at..... half past six this

morning from Heathrow Airport.

3 We enjoyed the concert.....on... Wednesday -

all the bands were brilliant.

4 There wasn't much rain ...in..


5 They arrived in New Zealand..on....

16th November

6 My best friend and I were both born ..in...
