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السلام عليكم
المرجو مساعدتي في هذه الإنشاء من فضلكم :
نص الموضوع :
اكتب في حدود عشرة أسطر مقطعا من سيرتك تحكي فيها عن تجربة عشتها في محيطك (المنزل -المؤسسة)تتعلق بالمساهمة في إنجاح تدابير الوقاية من وباء كورونا.
وشكرا على المساعدة ​​

Sagot :

Wa Aleikumu salam wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatu ,

This is what i would write :

We humans didn't expect this covid19 situation, in fact many of us have experienced the consequences of this event , directly or indirectly, either us , our parents , friends , sister or brothers even our neighbors have faced it . In order to prevent this i tried to contribute and help humanity by doing some little things that can have a huge impact to save other lives . Such as wearing a mask , even tho at the beginning i didn't respect it very much i tried my best to stick on this habitude and alhamdulillah i achieved it . This habitude maybe saved the people around me (bi idni Allah ) . Another achievement is to wash our hands and add hand sanitizer , I'm very forgetful and sometimes i don't accomplish it , but when i did it I'm pretty sure that it helped someone else from covid19's consequences . Moreover I also tried to avoid going out during this pandemic, by doing that it also helped the covid19 virus to circulate less amongst my people . Honestly at first it can be difficult, but step by step we can go through it and inshAllah stop it .

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