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Sagot :
Hello Sara, Tom, Samy, Saly (choisi le prénom que tu veux)
I hope you're fine. I'm so happy because tomorrow, I plan to go with my friend at the cinema to see "The father". On holidays, I like hanging out with my friends. Sometimes we go to the cinema, to the restaurant, or to the swimming pool too. We have lot of fun together! I also adore to lay down on the grass of my garden taking a bath of sun. Yesterday, with my parents, my cousines, my aunts and my uncles we have celebrated the ninetieth birthday of my grand father! It was a sunny day, and all my family were gathered it was really great!! Now I have more time to do what I want , no homeworks to do!! With my mother and my sister, I will go to Paris to see an exhibition of African contemporary artwork called " The power of my hands" at the Museum of modern art . Lots of Africans artists will be there. It's sounds awesome! And I adore my holidays because I always go to the Asterix park, it's my favorite park!! Hope you will spend your next holidays with me!! It would be fantastic!! Kiss you good bye.
Your best friend Sara
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