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est ce que vous pouvez m'aider svp c'est un exercice à faire pour demain svp​

Est Ce Que Vous Pouvez Maider Svp Cest Un Exercice À Faire Pour Demain Svp class=

Sagot :

1) She asked me to help her carry something
2) She ordered me to come early
3) She told me to buy something
4) He asked me to open the window
5) They asked me to bring a book at night
6) She asked me to help her with her homework
7) You told me to bring you a cup of coffee
8) She asked me to pass her the salt
9) He asked me to lend him a pencil
10) She asked me to tell her the time
11) They told me to do my homework
12) She asked me to go to bed
13) You told me to do not late
14) My mother ordered me to do not smoke
15) My father told me to tidy my room
16) I told her to wait somewhere
17) They advised me to do not do it
18) I was told to eat my dinner
19) she ordered me to do not make a mess
20) he told me to do the washing-up