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S'il vous plaît pouvez-vous m'aider.
Si oui voici ma question:
Tu interroges un jeune en anglais sur ce qu'll/elle fait les jours de la semaine, avant, pendant et après
l'école. Sois particulièrement attentif/attentive aux activités et aux moments de la journée (matin,
heures..) Ensuite, tu répondras aux questions qu'il/elle te pose.

Sagot :

-Hi! Tell me a little about how you spend your week.

-Of course! I usually have school on weekdays, so from Monday until Friday, and then comes the weekend, Saturday and Sunday.

-Okay, at what time do you habitually wake up?

-On weekdays, I normally wake up at 7 in the morning, then I'll get ready for school, considering it starts at 8:00 am. I typically start off by brushing my teeth and doing my skincare, then I'll put my uniform and shoes on, and then I still have 10 minutes until the bus arrives, during which I eat my breakfast.

-Productive! How about your schedule in school?

-The bus drops us off at 7:40, since the school isn't that far away from my house. I then get to class, and after 4 - 55 minute consecutive classes with a 15 minute break during second and third period, we have a lunch break at 12h05 pm. Succeeding our 1-hour break, we then have 2 last classes, and that's when the school day comes to an end, at 14h50.

-Sounds great! Do you do any after school activities?

-Yes, I do! I have soccer practice at 5pm that lasts an hour, and then at 7pm I take tutoring classes that also last 1 hour. Therefore, by 8pm I'm done, and I have dinner alongside my family. Afterwards, at night, if I don't have any homework, I get ready for sleep.

-Alright! What about on weekends?

-I love weekends! They're my favorite part of the week! I usually wake up whenever I want, although I would usually be awake by 10am, and then I hang out with either my friends or my family for the rest of the day.

-Sweet! Thank you so much for your time.