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Complete the sentences.
1. I don't think we've got __ seat for this evening show.
2. You don't have to bring any food. We've got __ .
3. Thaven't seen him __
4. Must I go too? No, you __
if you don't want to.
wear a suit.
5. He wants to wear jeans at his interview. I think he __ wear a suit .
6. What __ you do if you were attacked by a tiger?

aider moi svp​

Sagot :

Bonjour :)

Réponse en explications étape par étape :

- Question : Complete the sentences :

1. I don't think we've got a seat for this evening show.

2. You don't have to bring any food. We've got it.

3. I haven't seen him for 2 weeks.

4. Must I go too ? No, you stay here if you don't want to wear a suit.

5. He wants to wear jeans at his interview. I think he won't wear a suit .

6. What will you do if you were attacked by a tiger ?
