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Merci de m’aider pour les exercices 7 et 8 je vous serais infiniment reconnaissante !! :)

Merci De Maider Pour Les Exercices 7 Et 8 Je Vous Serais Infiniment Reconnaissante class=

Sagot :

• exercice 7

1/ when i was meeting her she went to the shops
2/ when i was calling him he was telling me he painted the front door
3/ as i was coming to her a policeman stopped me
4/ while i was digging in the garden it begun to rain
5/ when they were leaving we worked in the kitchen
6/ i was sleeping very well when the dog woke me up
7/ what were you doing when i rung the doorbell
8/ the sun was shining when we got up.

• exercice 8

they drunk a cup of tea when i arrived i went from heathrow airport i heard the news when she called me i turned around they got their things ready when mr mumford arrived
what did you do when i phoned you?
She wore lovely white trousers when i saw her
When did you type this letter?
Just as she posted the letter she saw him
When her parents opened the door, jane swum in the pool
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