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j'ai vraiment mais VRAIMENT besoin d'aide! En faite j'ai fais un texte en anglais mais il faut que je mette du participe passé, sauf que je ne sais absolument pas faire ça! svpp aidez moi (il faut juste mettre quelques phrases au participe passé)

Mon texte:
Before, the representations of witches were in black and white whereas now they are in color. The two witches, both are represented with humans, for example, before peoples believed that witches kidnapped humans so they were represented with a human who had looks terrified, in the poster of the witch of today the human is still present but this one is trying to hang on to the broomstick, he look like he is trying to join her. So, humans are no longer terrified when they see witches. Before, the sky looked worrying, it was gray with lots of clouds and lightning, whereas now the witch is flying in a blue sky, clear and with very few clouds. The witch before was always dressed in a very large black dress, like the crow that accompanied them, a black pointed hat and black heeled shoes, whereas now the witch is wearing a red dress that arrives at the knees, she also wears red heeled shoes. Before the main color associated to witches was black whereas now they can wear different colors. In addition to her wrinkles and warts, the witch before had a deformed face, a hooked nose, and ears that were hidden by black or gray hair that looked dirty she looks like a evil creature, whereas now the witch looks more like a human than an evil creature, she has no wrinkles and warts, she has blue eyes and clean blonde hair. And above all, compared to the witch before the witch of today smiles and looks kind.

Sagot :

Réponse :

voila g aussi corrigé qlq fautes d´orthographe

Explications :

Before, the representations of witches had been in black and white whereas now they are in color. The two witches, both had been represented with humans, for example, before people believed that witches kidnapped humans so they had been represented with a human who had looked terrified, in the poster of the witch of today the human is still present but this one is trying to hang on to the broomstick, he looks like he is trying to join her. So, humans are no longer terrified when they see witches. Before, the sky had looked worrying, it was gray with lots of clouds and lightning, whereas now the witch is flying in a blue sky, clear and with very few clouds. The witch before has always been dressed in a very large black dress, like the crow that accompanied them, a black pointed hat and black heeled shoes, whereas now the witch is wearing a red dress that arrives at the knees, she also wears red heeled shoes. Before the main color associated to witches had been black whereas now they can wear different colors. In addition to her wrinkles and warts, the witch before had had a deformed face, a hooked nose, and ears that had been hidden by black or gray hair that had looked dirty she had looked like an evil creature, whereas now the witch looks more like a human than an evil creature, she has no wrinkles and warts, she has blue eyes and clean blonde hair. And above all, compared to the witch before the witch of today smiles and looks kind.

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