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YOU ARE Marianne Dashwood. You are writing to your best friend. Tell her about your encounter with Willoughby. How you felt and tell her your regrets about things you couldn't say or do to make Willoughby understand you had fallen in love. (100 words)

Pouvez vous me faire mn devoir svp il est a rendre dans 1h.

Sagot :

RĂ©ponse :

Hi bff ! what's up !

I'm writting to tell you about a guy who I met a few months ago..

I met him when I was in a Pub. Some friends had to let me alone, and right after that, he cames to talk with me..

After our meet, we continued to talk by SMS and I have to admit  that I started to like him.. like.. a lot.. I couldn't tell him back then because of our starting relationship, so, to make him understand what I was felling for him I had some ideas like make him a lettre or a poem, but I thought that it would seem akward and now I regret because I don't have opportunity to tell him..

i'm kinda looking for help lol :/

let's meet ASAP,


Explications :

si Marianne es un mec alors faudra remplacer tous les Him / he par des Her / she

après à toi de décider si il est gay x)