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Rédaction Imaginez la vie sur Terre en 2 100 — nourriture, transport, santé, animaux, logement, école, technologie... — 80-100 mots. En anglais svp

Svp aidez moi ! Merci beaucoup d’avance !

Sagot :

Réponse :

LIFE IN 2100

In 2100 I imagine huge buildings, each of them bigger than the others, full of human and animal's life. There will be climbing leaves on all the houses, trees and flowers will be on the ground and will amaze people. The government will help the citizens to decrease global warming of the earth. The humans that will market food, will be more respectful of the animals. Unfortunately, fastfood will always be present, and bad for our health but prevention will be made in years 2060 and more than half of their loyal customers, stopped eating fastfood. Thanks to Covid-19, the hospitals increase fast and everyone could have access to healthcare, even if it is not free yet. In school, children learn technologie in first place, and more than 3/4 of the population have access to internet. The virgin hyperloop, created by Elon Musk, succeed to fit in everyday life, and crosses all the continents.

Sorry I think there is too much words

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