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Bonjour, pourriez vous m'aider à faire des phrases avec c'est mots SVP!
(il faut inventer la vie d'un chat)

A day in the life of Oreo :

1) Wake up
2) have breakfast
3) have fluit massage
4) have a photoshoot
5) read fan mail
6) have a snack
7) watch some TV
8) chase Onyx
9) play some laser tag
10) have dinner
11) put up witch pudding
12) suck on his favorite toy
13) and go to sleept

Merci d'avance​

Sagot :

Réponse :

My life is really not fun. In the morning i wake up after stretching, my master comme and give me my breakfast. I get full very quiquly and my master has obliged to message me. During the noon i have a photoshoop and when i finished my manager brings me back my phone and i read my fan mail. On the afternon I have the right to eat some snack and watch some tv. But Onyx is always here for boering me so, i'm obliged to chase him and suck on is favorite toys, it really is a annoying task. I only have 3 hours left before I fall asleep, BECAUSE I NEED A LOT HOURS TO SLEP. Master put me up the witch pudding while i played some laser tag with my bodyguard. At the and of the day i don't eat so as not gain weight and i go to sleept.

Explications :

J'espère que cela t'aura aider et bon courage pour la suite.

Hello I am Oreo and I will take you through a day in my life.I am not that unique but I kinda like my daily routine.First think first I wake up ,than I have breakfast I usually enjoy some milk for the breakfast but it’s not a rule.Then I am kinda busy for a normal cat I do stuffs like photoshop,read fan mail.When I am tired I like to get a fluid massage and have some snacks and even watch the in the mean time.About 8pm I will have my dinner put up witch pudding then I will be stuck on my favorite toy witch it’s a teddy bear and then at 10pm i will go to sleep(so early for having energy in the next morning)for all the stuffs I need to do