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1.Complete  the  sentences  with  relative  pronouns: 

1.Tom  is  in  the  private  university ____________ I studied  physics.

2.Did  you  get  the  note  ___________ which  I  left  beside my phone?

 Complete  the sentences  with  too much / too  many / enough / very

3.I  bought  brandy  jeans  which  cost  _______ _______ money, next  time I will  shop  in  another  place.

4.We  don’t  have  ___________ time  to  catch  the  bus, so we’ll take a taxi.

 Put  the adjective in  brackets  into  the comparative or superlative form:

5.I couldn’t  enjoy  the Dragon  roller  coast  ride. It was _______________

(frightening)  ride  I’ve  ever  been to.

6.Michelle’s  report  was  ok,  but Ann’s  report  seems  to  be  a lot 

 ________________( interesting)

Complete  the  sentences  with  and/ but/ so / because

7.I  felt  very  sick  yesterday,  _________  I  did  not  go  to  work.

8.I  fell  off  the  bicycle  ____________  I  wasn’t  careful  on  the  track

Put  the  words  in  the  correct  order  to  make  sentences:

9.much / too /there’s / stress / enjoy / life / to

10.up / give /should / I / good / job / very / this ?

Please help me I have an exam:(

Sagot :




1- Tom is in the private university where I studied physics.

2- Did you get the note which I left I left besides thé phone ?


3- I bought brandy jeans which cost me too much money.....

4- We don't have enough time...


5- it was the most frightening ride I've ever been to.

6- ...but Ann's report seems to be a lot more interesting.


7- so I didn't go to work

8- because I wasn't careful on the tracks.


9- There's too much stress to enjoy life.

10- Should I give up this very good job?


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