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Sagot :
This puppy was taken to the shelter last week. It was found in the streets. Its front leg was injured. It was really skinny because it wasn't fed properly. I think it was run over by a kid on a bike. Those two kittens there were born in the shelter. Their mother was abandoned when it was clear she was going to have kittens. They are too young to be separated from their mother. If only the mother and the kittens could be adopted by the same family.....
In 1788, Cook chose to be the commander of a scientist expedition in the Pacific Ocean. He sailed to New Zealand and then to Australia. The southern coast of the island was reached on April 19th, 1770. Cook observed Aboriginal people : they were described as dark or black skinned in his journal. His notes were published when he returned to England. Maps of several islands were drawn by Captain Cook. He mapped New Zealand, Tahiti, the East Coast of Australia which was named New South Wakes by Cook. This famous explorer was killed in Hawaï in 1779 by a mob of angry Hawaiians.
La plu^part des phrases sont au prétérit.
à la voix passive, voici comment se forme le prétérit ===>
be (au prétérit = was/were) + participe passé du verbe
si le sujet fait l'action => voix active
si le sujet subit l'action, voix passive (souligné))
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