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bonjour vous pouvez maider svp c pour demain !! merci d'avance !!

A Rewrite these sentences using the passive form.
1 They finished the work at midnight.
2 Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
3 John posted the letter this morning.
4 They will book the tickets for the holiday soon.
5 The City Council planted those trees in 1989.
6 Nobody has written a book about the Great Internet Disaster.
7 Nobody switched off the lights last night.
8 Someone started a fire near the school.
9 They must find the lost diamond.
10 Nobody can tell the story of Mary's lucky escape.​

Sagot :

1- The work was finished....

2- Hamlet was written....

3- The letter was posted....

4- The tickets will be booked....

5- Those trees were planted....

6- The book about The Great Internet has not been written about....

7- The lights were not switched off....

8- The fire was started....

9- The lost diamond must be found

10- The story of Mary's lucky escape was not told by anybody....

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