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Bonjour les amis, j'ai ce dm à rendre pr demain :) pourriez vous m'aider svp ? :

  Our body has a powerful army that 1. ………………… from various types of threats. This personal army is called the 2. ………………………….system. Every day we encounter a huge number of bacteria, viruses and other diseasecausing 3. ……………………... However, we don’t 4. ……………………..every other day. Which is due to our immune system. The immune system can be broadly 5. ………………………..into two parts – innate and adaptive immunity. Innate immunity is the body’s first natural 6. ………………….to any intruder. Its main goal is to 7. …………………………any intruder from entering the body. There is also the adaptive immunity. This system is more 8. ……………………….., as it can differentiate between different types of pathogens. The job of the immune system is to fight these pathogens and get them out of the body. What’s so incredible about the immune system is that it 9. …………………………how to fight the infection, so if the pathogen comes back for round two, the body can beat it off 10. ………………………….away!   ​

Sagot :



Réponse :

Our body has a powerful army that 1. PROTECTS it from various types of threats. This personal army is called the 2. IMMUNE system. Every day we encounter a huge number of bacteria, viruses and other disease - causing 3. ORGANISMS. However, we don’t 4. FALL ILL every other day. Which is due to our immune system. The immune system can be broadly 5. DIVIDED into two parts – innate and adaptive immunity. Innate immunity is the body’s first natural 6. DEFENSE to any intruder. Its main goal is to 7.PREVENT any intruder from entering the body. There is also the adaptive immunity. This system is more 8. EFFICIENT as it can differentiate between different types of pathogens. The job of the immune system is to fight these pathogens and get them out of the body. What’s so incredible about the immune system is that it 9.REMEMBERS how to fight the infection, so if the pathogen comes back for round two, the body can beat it off 10.STRAIGHT away!

that protects it from (  ​qui le protège de/contre )

the immune system ( le système immunitaire )

causing organisms ( provoquant/ créant/ produisant  des organismes )

we don’t fall ill  ( on ne tombe pas malade )

The immune system can be broadly divided into two parts  ( Le système immunitaire peut être globalement divisé en deux parties )

natural defense ( défense naturelle )

to prevent ( empêcher )

efficient ( efficace )

it remembers ( il se souvient / se rappelle )

straight away ( tout de suite )

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