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svp quelqu'un peut maider merci d'avance

4th year
(see) the olympic park of the
Put the verbs in the present perfect to recap Canadian experiences :
Mrs Grivaz (go) 1...
to Canada once. She
first in the botanic gardens and she3
in Montreal. She (stay) 4.
.in Quebec and (take)5 ....
Frontenac Castle. She. ( stroll).
also in the streets of the city.
She (drive) 7......
..... into the wild where she ( watch) 8..
She (go)
camping in a van. She (visit) 10
timber floating. Howev she (not go)12...
whalewatching. She (not try )13
dogsledding either. What is impressive in Canada is
that everything is gigantic. The highways are the widest she (come)14 ever
.mooses in a forest.
a sawmill and she
.. across so far !​