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Bonjour j'aurai vraiment besoin de l'aide d'une personne avant demain pour répondre à sa j'ai contrôle dessus et je n'ai rien compris
Merci d'avance ❤

3. The mind map
Create a class mind map arout the sig no-nos parents need to know
concerning screens and life at home work with your teacher's help.
Read the first paragraph (Lito B). Underline the information about the planet
and the human race in the text Choose a colour for each category
Can you now explain the transparent verbruined" (2)
I don't want
my parents to
Read the next paragraph (L 9 to 15). Pick out the subjects. Who and what are we talking about?
I want
my parents to
Choose a colour for each subject and underline the information
Which one is the cause? Which one is the consequence?
Use the elements from the text to complete the drawing with the right verbs
A virus
The human race
and their
Protect humankind
support technology
preserve the planet
7. The four United Factions
b. Read the text.
e read the end of the text (L 16 to the end). Underline the transparent words to understand
the role of each faction.
What do people want the factions to do?
- Digital they support technology and
Elemental they preserve the planet 6
20 - Cerebral: they develop their intelligence
books, diagrams and deductions with not
- Multitaskers: they supervise and combine
What do people want teenagers to do?
i 3000. technology ruined the planet and
the human race. People became bote deper-
dent on their screens, computers and social
networcs at work in the social relationships people
5 and in their everyday Les. They spent all their
Eme in a virtual world and they lost part of their
humanity. They started to completely neglect nology
the planet and natural resources d sappeored.
three other factions' discoveries.
When a vins corrupted their network and
10 nearly caused the extinction of the human race,
people realised they needed to change their
way of life. So to protect humankind, four com-
munities called factions were created to
restore a balance. Today, each faction has a
new family
15 Special role to play
zs At the age of 13, every teenager has to
tested to join one of the 4 factions and then
to respect its rules. The faction becomes the
at the​

Sagot :


La carte mentale

Créez une carte mentale de classe autour des signes que les parents doivent connaître

concernant les écrans et le travail à la maison avec l'aide de votre professeur.

Lisez le premier paragraphe (Lito B). Souligner les informations sur la planète

et la race humaine dans le texte Choisissez une couleur pour chaque catégorie

Pouvez-vous maintenant expliquer le transparent verbruiné" (2)


je ne veux pas

mes parents à

Lisez le paragraphe suivant (L 9 à 15). Choisissez les sujets. De qui et de quoi parlons-nous ?


je veux

mes parents à

Choisissez une couleur pour chaque sujet et soulignez les informations

Laquelle est la cause ? Laquelle est la conséquence ?

Utilisez les éléments du texte pour compléter le dessin avec les bons verbes



Un virus

La race humaine

et leur



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