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Bonjour est ce que vous pouvez m'aider svp ?

Describe the people? What is similar? What is different? What can you imagine about their state of mind ?​​

Bonjour Est Ce Que Vous Pouvez Maider Svp Describe The People What Is Similar What Is Different What Can You Imagine About Their State Of Mind class=

Sagot :

the people on the picture are alls differents: there’s white people, black people, asiatic and arabic personn.

the similarity between all this people is that they all have a pancart in their hands with words write on it.

the things who is different is the message write on them, beyonf the text write on the pancart the language use on them are all differrent

they are really happy to be together

je sais pas si les réponses sont fifou mais voilà le maximum que j’ai pu faire hahaha ^^