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je dois écrire un contre detourner
par exemple ( cendrillon ) en anglais je dois le faire.
est-ce que il y a des personnes qui sont fortes en anglais ?
j'arrive pas.
s'il vous plaît ​

Sagot :

Réponse :

Once upon a time there lived a perfectly happy family of three, until! one day the mother got sick with a high fever and died, the last things she said to Cinderella was always be kind. The next fall when Cinderella woke up to the sound of horses and carriages then looked outside her window where she saw her father inviting a woman into her house with two girls behind her which soon enough became Cinderella’s stepsisters. The girls were pretty but selfish unlike Cinderella that beautiful yet selfless which they envied.Day by day Cinderella’s stepsisters envied her selflessness more and more. One day Cinderella went to get the mail where she found a letter from the prince inviting her family to the ball in two weeks and then ran to the kitchen and told them. But Cinderella’s stepmother being as mean and cruel as she is she ordered Cinderella a list of things to do before the ball including making them all dresses.By the time, Cinderella finished everything on the list it was the morning of the ball and Soon enough it was time to go to the ball tu good times never lasted long for Cinderella, since there wasn’t any spare seats for them to put their coats the stepmother told Cinderella, “when we get to the ball the carriage will come back and bring you to the ball”. Although Cinderella was feeling extremely sad and disappointed she obeyed, but as two ours past and no carriage Cinderella began to lose hope and she started to cry tremendously because she truly deserved to go to the ball.“Oh, my lovely little light-hearted Cinderella dry those tears I’ll get you to the ball and before you ask I am your Angel, why don’t you have a new dress with nice and sparkly materiel? I’ll fix it” and when she snapped her fingers Cinderella was wearing a beautiful dress and heels. Cinderella loved the dress to she gave her Angel a big hug and thank you. But just before Cinderella left for the ball her Angel tried to warn that if her stepsisters saw her bad things would happen to her but she didn’t hear her.Then Cinderella arrived at the ball and as soon as she entered the ball she swept the prince off his feet at the sight of her beauty. They waltzed the whole night until… “CINDERELLA, HOW DARE YOU” they screamed.“HELP, is anyone there its dark and I can’t see anything” Cinderella yelled but she knew that no matter how loud she yelled no one would be able to hear her because she was now at the bottom of a well due to her stepsister’s jealousy.Everyday Cinderella would try to climb up the well but she couldn’t one day Cinderella got sick herself and died of the same fever as her mother. Legend has it that Cinderella’s hatred soul still haunts the well and pushes whoever comes near it for revenge.

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