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Sagot :
Réponse :
c relou mais bon.
G fait ça en cours avk d gars donc bon..
j'espère que ça ira
Explications :
Once upon a time there was a nice girl who lived in a big house with her roommate friend. They spent all their lives together. One day, while going shopping, they meet a man who seemed very nice, they sympathize with the boy and they become friends. some time later the girls invited the boy over to their house to spend the evening with him. The nice girl made the boys drink lots of alcohol and took him to her room, her friend joined them and started punching the boy and the girl she tied them up one by one and took them to the attic. Without the boy seeing them, the girl freed her friend. the boys asked them why they kidnapped him. The girls explained to him why they did all this. "Ten years ago, mister lincon, math professor started giving me a head start, does that ring a bell?" asked the girl "me her friend pulling on my dad and snatching her from me forever" answered the other girl "so it was you" answered the boy "yes it's been a long time not true? i always had this thought of my teacher shoot my father "she answered" so you have three choices: either we blow your mind, be you surrender, be we denounce you, the first option is the best for me you can not imagine the hatred and disgust that I have for you "said her friend" I'll take the second one "said the boy" ok here's the phone "said the nice girl. Two days later the boy was put in jail until the death penalty and the two best friends lived happily ever after.
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