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1 Choose one artist from the website
12 Study the artist and make some
notes to create the artist's profile
with the main information.
Ep3 Prepare your short speech.
TODE p. 84
Note down the information you will
tell to the others.
Step 4 Start your speech with "Good
evening Ladies and Gentlemen!" and
don't hesitate to add very positive
adjectives like "great", "wonderful"
when you talk about your artist.
Step 5 Give some information about your
artist without giving the name.
Step 6 Finish your speech with "Ladies and
Gentlemen, let me introduce you to..."
and don't say the name. Your friends
must find out who it is.
Aidez moi svp ​

1 Choose One Artist From The WebsiteWEBUNK 2512 Study The Artist And Make Somenotes To Create The Artists Profilewith The Main InformationTOARE YOUR CINAL TASKS class=

Sagot :

RĂ©ponse :

Saluut, comme promis ;) :

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen ! I heartily welcome you all to the Gammy award.

Today we are here to announce the winners of the 12 top awards, we send our warmest congratulations to all the artists. You have no doubt set a very admirable example for other artists around the world to imitate. We hope that you will continue to shine in your careers and in other fields as well.

His carrier as a hit-maker has lasted an incredibly long time. He had so many successful songs:  

   • No guidance

   • Work

   • One dance

   • Controller

These are are few songs that make it into the top 100 billboard. He’s carrier as an artist has lasted a long time. He managed he get the audience and judges attention with he’s one and only hit: God’s Plan.

It is my pleasure to welcome this great artist. I feel honored to share the award.

I would also like to address those participants who even though have not won any of the awards but still put up a great show. Also, I would like to add by saying that it’s never too late to start over and try again.  

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you this exceptional rapper….

J'espère que ça te correspond, entraîne toi à le lire plein de fois. S'il y a des mots que t'arrive pas à lire ne manière fluide remplace les par des synonymes. Et n'oublie SURTOUT PAS de regarder le/la prof et les autres de temps en temps. Tu gère ‍♂️

Explications :

Si jamais elle / il te demande:

Billboard: classement hebdomadaire des 100 chansons les plus populaires aux États-Unis, toutes catégories musicales confondues

Grammy Awards:  récompenses décernées chaque année aux États-Unis, afin d'honorer les meilleurs artistes et les meilleurs techniciens dans le domaine de la musique de l'industrie américaine.

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