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J'ai deux lettres à écrire en anglais, voici les instructions ci-dessous:

Vous êtes des passagers qui sont venus en Grande-Bretagne

- Écrivez une lettre à vos (amis / famille) en Jamaïque décrivant comment les gens vous traitent et ce que c'est par rapport à la maison

- Envoyez une lettre au maire de Londres pour lui faire part de la nécessité d'accorder aux Jamaïcains britanniques certains droits en tant que citoyens britanniques.

*pourrais-tu m'aider s'il te plait ? Merci en avance. *

Sagot :


Lettre1 :

Dear family ,

I hope you're doing amazing , in fact these days have been quite strange since I'm used to stay with you , moreover it's a new environment . Here in Britain I've met some friends and I discovered a lot of delicious and sometimes weird food . When I remember what happened to me 2 days ago I become really sad , in fact when I was in a restaurant , some people were giving me some strange looks , but I didn't care but the thing that saddened me was the way people were talking to me, they thought I didn't understand English , because I don't look white , so they were talking to me like I was a child and doing a lot of gestures even though I spoke with them in english knowing that it's my first language. Well , it's sad that in 2021 people still get judged by their appearance , we should change these things ! Oh , i also forgot to mention that tomorrow i'm going to take the plane and go back in Jamaica.

Kisses to everyone !

By Myriam.

Lettre 2 :

Dear London's mayor ,

My name is Safya and I want to let you know about something that worries me and my community : British jamaicans. In fact I love Britain and I think that I'm very lucky to be living in this beautiful place of London , since I was very little I saw that we jamaicans got treated very bad , and that still happens, the white British people treats us like we were not British even though we were born here . Today I find it very difficult to find a job even though I have a PhD in communications , because once they know that I'm not a white British lady , they assume that my English is bad and sometimes they don't even read my curriculum . We British jamaicans need your help dear mayor , we ask you to help us in order to get treated as British citizens , we have a multicultural project that is going to take place in London , please appear on media and invite British people to build a better world by treating and trying to understand us better .

Cordially, Safya .

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