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I lived in a house isolated in forest close to a cemetery and this day there it was bad it rained there was thunder a fog one saw nothing more and this day there were one Friday 13 between 01h 00 and 05h00 I was with my dog I slept quietly when all your blow my dog started to bark at the door I woke up and I check the house and the outside to be well sure that has nothing of suspect When all your blow I woke up in over jump because I hear When all of a sudden I woke up and jumped because I heard footsteps in the attic upstairs and I went upstairs to check the attic when all of a sudden the dog barked and at the same time the door slammed and my dog ran towards a mirror so I followed him because I didn't understand why he started to run and all of a sudden the room was lit up and I saw a ghost in the mirror right behind me and I screamed with all of my strength because I was so scared and I fell on the floor and I had a heart attack
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