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Sagot :
utiliser un génitif locatif
1- She was sitting at the baker's waiting for the bread to be baked.
2- Can you go to the butcher's and buy two chops please ?
3- She intend to go to London and visit Saint Paul's (cathedral)
4- I hate going to the pub's : it reeks tobacco there
5- Did you see any shelfish at the fish market's (poissonnerie)
6- She likes her hair to be kept neat, that's why she goes too the hairdresser's twice a week !
7- I have got any cough mixture left; do you mind goint to the drugstore's. (to the pahrmacy's)
8- The reason why I love going to the pastry shop's is that I can have a look at all the cakes !
9- Don't forget the tomatoes when you go to the grocery's
10- You should go to the doctor's if you do not feel well.
bonne journée ☺☺☺
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