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bonjour a tous je une devoir de anglais il dit: put the verbs at the correct tense.

I ....... (read) a book in the living room when ... (I hear) the ghost for the first time.
that ...... (will be) in December. Kelly ..... (standing) in the cold so ..... (I feel) sorry for her.
The suspects .... (rush) down the stairs and .... (jump).
The children ..... (play) in their bedroom when all of a sudden .... (they got cold). The atmosphere was spooky. Doors ..... (open) and ..... (closed), the trees ...... (move) and the street .... (be) silent as a cemetery.

et merci beaucoup:).​

Sagot :



CORRECT TENSE c'est à dire ou prétérit simple ou BE + V-ING

I was reading a book in the living room  when I heard the ghost for the first time.

that (will be) in December  ou bien "That was in December."????? il manque qq chose ? dis moi en commentaires STP

Kelly was standing in the cold so I felt sorry for her.

The suspects rushed down the stairs and jumped.

The children were playing in their bedroom when all of a sudden they got cold.

The atmosphere  was spooky. Doors were opening and closing, the trees were moving and the street was silent as a cemetery.


bonne soirée ☺☺☺

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