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C'esg possible de m'aider je n'arrive pas du tout.

28. Recopiez et complétez ce texte avec les mots suivants : for - so as - to - for

Giovanni wanted to buy a croissant ... bring it to his
wife, but the baker's was closed. Actually, the baker
had been arrested ... staying inside a supermarket
after the closing time. He did this to find butter ... to
prepare his pastries for the next morning. In fact, he
does everything ... his customers to be happy. He got
a little carried away. He promised he would not do
this again.

Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront ​

Sagot :


Giovanni wanted to buy a croissant so as  bring it to his

wife, but the baker's was closed. Actually, the baker

had been arrested for staying inside a supermarket

after the closing time. He did this to find butter to for  to

prepare his pastries for the next morning. In fact, he

does everything for his customers to be happy. He got

a little carried away. He promised he would not do

this again.

Explications :

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