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Bonjour, j'espère que vous allez :)) J'ai besoin d'aide svp j'ai un oral sur le mur du Mexique (the Trump wall) en anglais a faire je doit parler pendant environ 4 min pouvez-vous m'aider svpppp? (ma prof a dit pas de copier coller Wikipédia !! lol ) merci d'avance...

Sagot :

Réponse :

The Mexico-United States barrier, also known as the border wall, is a series of vertical barriers along the Mexico-United States border designed to reduce illegal immigration from Mexico to the United States. A barrier is not a continuous structure, but a series of obstacles classified as «fences» or «walls». Between physical barriers, security is provided by “virtual fences” of sensors, cameras and other surveillance equipment used to send patrols to U.S. borders at suspected border crossings. In May 2011, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said it had installed 649 miles (1,044 kilometers) of barriers. The total length of the border is 1,954 miles (3,145 kilometres).

The 1,300-kilometre barrier began in 2006 and reportedly restricts illegal immigration to Mexico by 25%. Since the fall of 2006, wall expansion work continues. A 455-kilometre barrier was erected in 2007. Over time, the new fence is expected to be more than 1,120 kilometres long between California and Texas, or just over one-third of the total length of the border (3,141 kilometres).

The original budget for the wall was $2 billion, but when the budget was announced in 2006, the Democrats said it would cost at least $7 billion to build. Today, the number mentioned is between 2 and 40 billion. On March 25, 2019, Pentagon Director Patrick Shanahan announced that he had released $1 billion to build the border wall between Mexico and the United States, which President George W. Bush, Donald Donald, wanted to extend.

Explications :

j'espère que ça t'aidera !

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