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Complete the sentences using the verb in parentheses with the correct form of used to or would. If both used to and would are possible, use WOULD.
Highlight your answers.

When I was a child we_______ (live) in a cabin in the mountains. Back then, we________ (not have) much money; that’s why we_______ (have) vegetables and chickens in our back garden. Every day we_________ (get up) very early and my father_______ (take) some eggs for breakfast.

The weather in summer______ (be) really nice. There was a lake near the house; we______ (be) really nice. There was a lake near the house; we________ (go) there to have a swim every morning. Later, in the afternoon my brothers and I_________ (go) fishing, and in the evening my mother__________ (cook) whatever we had caught. It was fantastic!

Sagot :

Réponse :

When I was a child we used to live in a cabin in the mountains. Back then, we didn't used to have much money; that’s why we used to have vegetables and chickens in our back garden. Every day we would get up very early and my father would take some eggs for breakfast.

The weather in summer used to be really nice. There was a lake near the house; we would go there to have a swim every morning. Later, in the afternoon my brothers and I would go fishing, and in the evening my mother would cook whatever we had caught. It was fantastic!

Explications :

Il y a un moment où tu t'es trompé(e) et tu a copié collé deux fois la même phrase : "There was a lake near the house ...". Je me suis permise de l'enlever.

En espérant t'avoir aidé(e) !

Bonne journée :)



When I was a child we used to live....

Back then, we wouldn't have..

that's why de used to have vegetables

Every day we would get up very early and my father used to take...

The weather in summer used to be really nice

We would there

and I would go out fishing

my mother would cook...


Bonne journée

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