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Conjugue les verbes au prétérit ou au present
a. Ben (already / suffer) from bullying at school.
b. He (be) a victim of bullying last year and he
(suffer) a lot at the time.
c. His classmates (not-help) him much when
everything started and Tom (feel) abandoned.
d. Fortunately he (talk) to the headteacher in
February and in March he (be) finally happy.

Remets les mots dans l'ordre.
a. have /l/twice /received a mean text).
b. has / been bullied / my best friend / often/
c. been victims of cyberbullying/my cousins

merci d'avance!!✋​

Sagot :


Partie 1 (pour certaines je ne suis pas sûr c'est parfois ambigu) :

a. Ben has already suffered from bullying at school.

b. He was a victim of bullying last year and he suffered a lot at the time.

c. His classmates didn't help him much when everything started and Tom felt abandoned.

d. Fortunately, he has talked to the headteach in February and in March he was finally happy.

Partie 2 :

a. I have received a mean text twice.

b. My best friend has often been bullied.

c. My cousins already have been victims of cyberbullying.

En te souhaitant une bonne fin de soirée :)