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Bonjour j ai un synopsis à faire de 250 mot sur les pirate il faut inventer une histoire sur des pirates par exemples une guerre entre 2 groupes de pirates .
Je n’y arrive pas je suis bloquer à cause de mon niveau d’anglais et c’est noté et c’est pour demain cela me tracasse
Merci de votre aide

Sagot :

The tale I’m about to tell is about the legend of the most wanted pirates in the whole wide world.
It started out on a sunny, breezy morning, when suddenly “Red One” the most notorious pirate in the whole wide sea decided he wanted to go on a quest and conquer all areas in the ocean.
His crew, his wife prepared the S.S Snakeskins for the worthiest fight of the century. They assembled all their belongings, and were off !
The only sea team that had never faced off Red One was the Mockingjays, the captain Goldjay.
They have been undefeated for centuries, almost as notorious as Red One !
Believe it or not, they used to be part of the same team, but legend has it one of them stole a large treasure chest filled with gold and disappeared. They never saw each other again, leaving their business unfinished and frankly very heated.
The MockingJays and Snakeskins were both aware that the enemy was coming.
After 3 days of hunger, starvation and the blistering heat some of the pirates and crew members even developed scurvy and had to be treated before the big fight.
They polished their swords, boots, and shaved their beards. The day had come, they docked near the land of Pocalontas where the Mockingjays stayed, and went out searching for them.
They weren’t looking for a simple agreement, they were out for blood !
Little did the Mockingjays know, Red One had planted a fake treasure chest to trap the Mockingjays and boy did they fall into the trap.
The whole crew was stuck in a 40 ft hole, only escape was to be tossed a rope.

Red One, being the gangster he is, tossed a crocodile into the hole and listened to the crew members being devoured faster than a Bull running towards a red flag!
But Red One knew that Goldjay was still out there, he didn’t fall for it.
He came out bravely and they were off! Swords flying into the air, gold teeth falling onto the sand in the blistering heat ! What a rush, in Goldjay final moments, he told Red One that he never stole that treasure chest, but his twin brother did.

Red One had a tear run down his cheek, which was shocking to his crew members !
He didn’t want to live with the guilt of killing his ex best friend, so he stabbed himself with his mighty sword and uttered the words “ SnakeSkins for life” !
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