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Bonjour pouvez vous me remplir ce texte à troue sur la bataille de Pearl Harbor
Voici mes mot clés à compléter :Hawaii,Dec 8 1941,WWII,Pearl Harbor,aircraft carriers,submarines,2500,1000,Japan,USS arizona,Dec 7 1941,fleet,oil,thé USA,F.D.R Roosevelt
On................. ................... attacked ............... at ..............naval base in...............
Thé USA had stopped selling Japan because of thé presence in China
So,Japan decided to attack thé American the pacific.Thé most famous ship they bombed was thé............
During thé attack more than ............were killed and ............were wounded. But thé ....................and thé..............were left intact
Thé next day on ..............Thé président of thé united States .................. declared thé USA had enterred

Sagot :

Réponse :

Bonjour, j'espère avoir pu t'aider, bonne journée.

On december 7 of 1941,  Japan attacked the USA. at Pearl Harbor naval base in Hawaii.

The USA had stopped selling oil to Japan because of the presence in China

So,Japan decided to attack the American submarines in the pacific.The most famous ship they bombed was the USS arizona.

During the attack more than 2500 were killed and 1000 were wounded. But the fleet and the aircraft carriers were left intact

The next day on december 8 of 1941 The président of the united States F.D.R Roosevelt declared the USA had enterred WWII.

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