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Bonjour qui peut m'aider à faire mon devoir j'ai du mal à comprendre

merci d'avance je dois le rendre avant le 03 mai 2021 ​

Bonjour Qui Peut Maider À Faire Mon Devoir Jai Du Mal À Comprendre Merci Davance Je Dois Le Rendre Avant Le 03 Mai 2021 class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

a- In this picture we can see a revisited version of the star spangled banner, which is the name of the american flag. The red lines that are usually on the flag have been replaced by red peppers.

b.the red peppers could represent the mexican people that move to the United-States in search for a better life.

c. I expect to read about the mass flow of mexican people living in the United-States.

growth = croissance (suffixe =th, racine= grow)

retirement= retraite (suffixe= ment, racine = retire)

competitiveness= compétitivité (suffixe = ness, racine= competitive)

increasingly= de plus en plus (suffixe=-ing et -ly, préfixe=in, racine crease)

affordable= abordable (suffixe=able, racine= afford)

unfortunately= malheureusement (suffixe=ly, préfixe=un, racine=fortunate)

growing= croissante (suffixe=ing, racine=grow)

aging= vieillissante

success= succès

b.Latinos represent america's future

the white population is aging so the economic well-being of America rests on young Latinos.

Latinos want equality and America must consider Latinos and help them fit in.

1. they are younger than other groups and they are projected to make up 26% of the US population by 2050

2. Latino youth is particularly concerned. They are the future doctors, teachers,...

3. the Latinos are looking for equality they want the same rights as the americans they want to have access to good education, good healthcare, they also want security and affordable houses. They haven't succeded yet because latinos are still sort of rejecte, they aren't really considered by the white people. Indeed, these same people think that they steal their jobs and opportunities. I don't really think to do anything. What needs to be done is in Americans minds. They need to be more open-minded and they shouldn't consider as enemies but see them as allies. Latinos could be more for the community than imigrants.

Bonsoir j'espère avoir pu t'aider au maximum, bonne chance.

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