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Pouvez vous m'aider svp pour ces questions sur ☢️FUKUSHIMA,merci❤️, voici l'énoncé :
1. How does an earthquake trigger a tsunami?

2. What type of damage does an earthquake cause to a city?

3. What is a nuclear meltdown?

4. What was the Chernobyl disaster?

5. What is an aftershock?

Sagot :

Réponse :Bonjour,

1- To generate a tsunami, the focus and surface of the fault must be located under the ocean or close to the coast, and the earthquake must create vertical movement (up to several meters) of the water surface over a large area

2- Earthquakes can also damage infrastructure such as water and gas distribution networks, which can lead to destructive fires. The main effects induced are ground movements: landslides, landslides, rupture of a rock overhang ... Earthquakes can also produce modifications in groundwater flows. It is not uncommon to observe the drying up or even the appearance of a source after an earthquake.

3- Nuclear fusion is another way to generate energy from the nuclei of atoms. Nuclear fission involves projecting a neutron onto an unstable heavy atom. When these light nuclei merge, the newly created nucleus ends up in an unstable state. When two "light" nuclei collide at high speed, they can merge, creating a heavier nucleus: this is nuclear fusion. During operation, part of the binding energy of the core components is released in the form of heat or light.

4- On April 26, 1986, the explosion of reactor n ° 4 at the Chernobyl plant in Ukraine (which was then part of the USSR) caused the largest civilian nuclear accident ever recorded (level 7 on the INES scale). The mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, created by the radiolysis of water, causes small explosions which eject the reactor control rods. According to the US Department of Energy, the Chernobyl explosion occurred on April 26, 1986 at 1:23 and 44s.

5- In seismology, a aftershock is an earthquake that occurs after a major earthquake.

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