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Sagot :
Once upon a time in a large field was a little village inhabited by few people. But in it, people always got sick, having headaches and breathing problems. There even was a legend saying this village was damned by a terrible demon in the mountains far away. In one of the few houses built in this village was living a very courageous girl, Ann, who was always trying to help the others inhabitants. Unlike the others, she never felt sick. This young women was however like everyone of them. She felt very guilty about this, so one day, she went out of the boondocks to affront the famous "demon", armed of a spear and poison. She began her trip, discovering new places arround the world. When she finally find what she was searching, but in front of her was simply a little dragon, all green, leafs all over the body, crying. The dragon looked at her and begged Ann for help, he said there was a horrible monster bullying him in the forest right behind them. Ann, worried about this little and fragile animal, went in the forest. The first thing she saw was the fog, it was impossible for her to see where she was going. She heard a loud and monstrous scream, but the courageous girl kept going. At one point, she saw a figure, this figure was a huge tiger, all covered by flammes and smoke. This animal had red eyes and immense teeth full of drool. Ann was scared, but she faced the monster. She put the poison on her spear and began to run throught the trees to try to lose the tiger. She hide under the roots of a big tree and waited. Few long minutes passed until the animal showed up in front of her, without seeing her. That's the moment she choose to jab the animals in the ribs. At this moment, the fog dispeared, letting the fresh oxygen enter the forest. When Ann got out of the place, she met the little dragon again but this time he was smiling and dancing in the montains. Ann was happy about it. She returned at the village and figured out every single inhabitants was healed. After that, the village was no longer considered as a damned village, and nobody ever felt sick again.
Bonjour j'ai fait beaucoup de lignes (j'espère que ce n'est pas un problème) parce que j'ai beaucoup aimé faire ce travail. Je ne l'ai pas dit implicitement mais le tigre représente la pollution avec la fumée, le brouillard et les flammes et le petit dragon représente la planète Terre. J'espère que ce travail vous plaira !
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