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pourriez vous m'aider c'est la suite de la première feuille ? s'il vous plaît. ​

Pourriez Vous Maider Cest La Suite De La Première Feuille Sil Vous Plaît class=

Sagot :



The characters : The little red riding hood, the wolf and the grandma.

The place : In a forest and then at the grandma's place.

The time : In the afternoon of a random day

The plot : A little girl delivering a basket of food to her grandma.

The cause : Her mom told her to do it.

The manner : Go to her grandma's house throught the forest.

Le titre de l'histoire : The little red riding hood.

Ordre des phrases :

1 = there was a little girl living in the forest

2 = She went to give food to her grandmother

3 = In the forest she talked to a wolf

4 = The wolf ran to the grandmother's house, [...]

5 = The girl arrived to the grandmother's house, [...]

6 = The grandmother looked very strange

7 = The wolf attacked the girl to eat her

8 = A woodcutter arrived and saved the girl and her grandmother

4) Quelle est la morale de l'histoire ?

This story is telling us not to approach and talk to strangers.

5) Dans le texte [...]

Eyes - Ears - Teeth

6) Qu'est il arrivé au loup à la fin ?

"The big bad wolf ran away and he was never seen again"

Voilà ! (Pour info il s'agit du conte du petit chaperon rouge)