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bonjour vous pouvez m'aider SVP a mon devoir je n'y comprend rien en anglais

A-Exercise Make the future perfect continuous. Choose the positive, negative or question form:
1.I __________________________________ (work) all weekend so I won’t be energetic on Sunday night.
2.How long __________________________________ (you / wait) when you finally get your exam results?
3.Julie __________________________________ (not / eat) much, so we’ll need to make sure she has a good meal when she arrives. 4.How long __________________________________ (she / plan) to move house when she finally moves? 5.__________________________________ (she / wait) long by the time we get there?
6.__________________________________ (he / play) computer games for ten hours when he finally stops?
7.They __________________________________ (study) all day, so they’ll want to go out in the evening.
8.They __________________________________ (not / stay) in the hotel for long when she arrives.
9.I __________________________________ (not / walk) when I meet you – I’ll have been cycling.
10.She __________________________________ (play) squash, so she won’t be dressed up.
11.We __________________________________ (look) at houses for four months next Tuesday.
12.We __________________________________ (not / do)this project for long when the inspector arrives.
13.How long __________________________________ (you / work) on this project when it is finished? 14.__________________________________ (you / buy) clothes when I see you?
15.He __________________________________ (not / do) much work, so he’ll be happy to start a new project.
16.How long __________________________________ (the children / sleep) in the living room when their new bedroom is ready?
17.How long __________________________________ (he / train) when he enters the competition? 18.__________________________________ (you / take) exams the day we meet?
19.I __________________________________ (answer) students’ questions all morning, so I’ll want a quiet lunch. 20.__________________________________ (they / travel) for long when they arrive?

Sagot :


1.I will have been working all weekend so I won’t be energetic on Sunday night.

2.How long will you have been waiting when you finally get your exam results?

3.Julie will not have been eating much, so we’ll need to make sure she has a good meal when she arrives.

4.How long  will she have been planning to move house when she finally moves?

5.Will she have been waiting long by the time we get there?

6. Will he have been playing computer games for ten hours when he finally stops?

7. They will have been studying all day, so they’ll want to go out in the evening.

8.They will not have been staying in the hotel for long when she arrives.

9.I will not have been walking when I meet you – I’ll have been cycling.

10.She will have been playing squash, so she won’t be dressed up.

11.We will have been looking at houses for four months next Tuesday.

12.We will not have been doing this project for long when the inspector arrives.

13.How long will you have been working on this project when it is finished?

14.Will you have been buying clothes when I see you?

15.He will not have been doing much work, so he’ll be happy to start a new project.

16.How long will the children have been sleeping in the living room when their new bedroom is ready?

17.How long will he have been training when he enters the competition? 18. Will you have been taking exams the day we meet?

19. I will have been answering students’ questions all morning, so I’ll want a quiet lunch.

20. Will they have been traveling for long when they arrive?

: )

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