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Bonjours j'aurais besoin d'aider c’est à rendre avant 15h30

Écrivez un chapitre sur vos vacances les plus amusantes! Minimum 10 lignes. Le ciel est la limite !!
En anglais svp
Vous inventer bien sûre

Sagot :


I had a wonderful vacation this summer. First, I went to Eilat with my cousins. We went there with our parents. We stayed for 5 days. We were in a very nice hotel 2 minutes from the beach. We went to the beach. It was hot but it was windy and it was nice. And then, in our rooms, we turned on the air conditioner. My cousins took a scuba diving course but I was scared so I stayed at the hotel pool and met a group of French people my age. I spoke a little French with them. In the afternoon, we walked around the city together and they bought some souvenirs. When we got back to the hotel, my cousin friends had returned. We ate sandwiches by the pool and then went up to our rooms to rest a bit and get ready to go out. I took a shower. The next day, we woke up early to have breakfast. I love breakfasts at the hotel because there is so much to eat! Then we took a taxi to visit the aquarium. We saw fish of all colors. They were splendid!

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