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Bonjour pouvez-vous m'aider à réécrire se texte au prétérit s'il vous plait merci d'avance :

After the death of his wife Cinderella's father, remarries an odious woman. Cinderella's stepmother has two daughters, Javotte and Anasthasie, all as odious as their mother. Soon after, her father died and Cinderella's fairy godmother who who was Jealous of her kindness. One fine day, the king of the contry decides to marry his son, the prince. He organizes a ball and invited all the nobles of the kingdom. So, while the two young girls and their mother makes their way to the castle, Cinderella's fairy godmother turns a pumpkin intro an elegant carriage and four mice into white horses. She transforms Cinderella's dress into a princess dress.

Sagot :

Réponse :


After the death of his wife Cinderella's father, remarried an odious woman.

Cinderella's stepmother had tho daughters : Javotte and Anasthasie, all as odious as their mother. Soon after, her father died and Cinderella's fairy godmother who who was jealous of her kindness. One fine day, the king of the country decided to marry his son, the prince. He organized a ball and invited all the nobles of the kingdom.

So while the two youngs girls and their mother maked their way to the castle, Cinderella's fairy godmother turned a pumpkin intro an elegant carriage and four mice into white horses. She transformed Cinderella's dress into a princess dress.

Bonne journée !

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