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Bonjour, j'aurais besoin d'aides sur un devoir d'anglais a rendre rapidement, apparement il penses que je suis un cuisinier mdr

Tu aides un chef dans unecuisine. Il y a un problème : deux recettes, une pour un ‘poulet curry’ et une pour un ‘crumble aux pommes’ ont été mélangées. Il faut les séparer et remettre les consignes dans le bon ordre pour chacune des recettes, merci en avance :) !

- Put the cut apples into an oven dish.

- Add a teaspoonful of curry paste and mix well.

- Sprinkle the apples with sugar and cinnamon.

- Cut 1 onion, a piece of garlic, 3 tomatoes, red peppers and a little ginger into small


- Cut 80 g of butter into small pieces.

- Fry the chicken pieces in oil for 10 minutes.

- Mix the pieces of butter with the 120 g of flour and 120 g of sugar (this is the “crumble”).

- Finally add a can of the coconut milk and cook very slowly for 15 minutes.

- Sprinkle the crumble on the apples.

- Put the dish into the oven and bake for about 45 minutes at 180° C.

- Peel 8 apples and cut each apple into 6 pieces.

- Cut 4 chicken breasts into pieces.

- Add the onion, garlic, red peppers and tomatoes to the chicken pieces and fry for

another 10 minutes.

Merci de répondre dans la prochaine heure, j'ai besoin de rendre ce devoir rapidement

Sagot :


Pour la recette du crumble

2- Put the cut apples into an oven dish.

3- Sprinkle the apples with sugar and cinnamon.

4- Cut 80 g of butter into small pieces.

5- Mix the pieces of butter with the 120 g of flour and 120 g of sugar (this is the “crumble « )
6- Sprinkle the crumble on the apples.

7- Put the dish into the oven and bake for about 45 minutes at 180° C.

1- Peel 8 apples and cut each apple into 6 pieces.

Bonjour xd voilà ce que j'ai trouvé :

Pour le crumble aux pommes :

- Peel 8 apples and cut each apple into 6 pieces.

- Put the cut apples into an oven dish.

- Cut 80 g of butter into small pieces.

- Mix the pieces of butter with the 120 g of flour and 120 g of sugar.

- Sprinkle the apples with sugar and cinnamon.

- Sprinkle the crumble on the apples.

- Put the dish into the oven and bake for about 45 minutes at 180° C.

Pour le poulet au curry :

- Cut 4 chicken breasts into pieces.

- Fry the chicken pieces in oil for 10 minutes.

- Cut 1 onion, a piece of garlic, 3 tomatoes, red peppers and a little ginger into small pieces.

- Add the onion, garlic, red peppers and tomatoes to the chicken pieces and fry for  another 10 minutes.

- Add a teaspoonful of curry paste and mix well.

- Finally add a can of the coconut milk and cook very slowly for 15 minutes.

J'espère que c'est bon!

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