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Réponse :


Alors pour la première photo il y a 32 mots :

1 ) In this photo I can see that a person wearing a spacesuit this person is conducting an experiment in a spaceship. I have the impression that she is searche for for a exit.

Pour la deuxième photoil y a 30 mots :

2 )  In this photo, I can see a spaceship with solar panels, it is in a space station in a black frame probably in space and he UFO ( unidentified flying object in the space.

Pour la troisième image il y a 33 mots

3 ) In this photo, I can see a kind of robot that scan with a camera and with UFO lazers, this robot is in a habitable module it looks like the desert of our day.

Pour la quatrième il y en a que 24 c'est ce que j'ai trouver.

4 ) In this photo I can see a spaceship in a rather blurry place this ship is also in a habitable module like an alley nowadays,

J'espère avoir aider !


Réponse :

A] we can see a people with a yellow spacesuit in a white and black spaceship or a space spation.I think that it's a habitable module. The men is walking to us. The space spation has got white drawers, and it's like a big corridor.

cdr08 avatar

B] On this picture, we can see a machine :it's a satellite. The satellite is grey, we can think that it's in the space because we see stars behind.The satellite has got solar panels. It does scientist sherchs: it's scanning objects.

cdr08 avatar

C] On this picture, we can see a robot like wally.It's scanning all things that it can see for do an experiment.I think that it's a robot who is on Mars. The robot has got solar pannels like the satellite

D] On this picture we can see a spaceship but the picture is blurred! It's a flying saucer/UFO . We can think that there are aliens in.

The spaceship is flying and is grey!

I think that the picture is old because it's in white and black.

Explications :

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