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Bonjour, est-ce que qlq pourrait m’aider à mettre ces verbes au prétérit simple ou au prétérit be-ing ?
Merci d’avance,

Something strange (happen).
last week. I (sleep).
when the
phone (ring)
Outside, it (rain)
hard and the wind (blow)
I (get up)
and (pick up)
phone. It (be)
strange. No one (talk)
Suddenly, the lights
(go off)
I (look)
for a torch when I (hear)
footsteps. I (turn)
and (see)
a man. He (wear)
a black coat and a hood. Then, he (hit)
me. When I wake up)
I (lie)
on the floor and my sister (cry)
She (be)

Sagot :


Réponse :

is happening

is sleeping

is ringing

is raining

is blowing

im getting up and picking up

it's being

is talking

are going off

im looking

im hearing

im turning

im seeing

is wearing

is hitting (pas sur qu'il y ait 2 t)

im lying

im crying

is being

Salut cv?
1) happens
2)was sleeping
4)is raining
5) the wind is blowing
6)I get up
7)pick up
9)is talking
10)go off
11)I was looking
12) hear
15)is wearing
17)woke up
18) lied
19)is crying
Et voilà mes réponses
Hope it helps